New forces of resistance have emerged to both American imperialism and neoliberalism. But how far do these forces represent a progressive alternative? This volume surveys the key flashpoints of resistance today through essays such as: - Elmar Altvater, "The roots of Neoliberalism" - Alfredo Saad - Filho, "Marxian and Keynesian Critiques of Neoliberalism" - Gregory Albo, "Neoliberalism and the Discontented" - Yildiz Atasou, "The Islamic Ethic and the Spirit of Turkish Capitalism Today" - Aijaz Ahmad, " Islam, Islamisms and the West" - Asef Bayat, "Islamism and Empire: The lncongruous Nature of Islamist Anti- Imperialism" - Gilbert Achcar, "Religion and Politics Today from a Marxian Perspective" - Sabah Alnasser, "Understanding Iraq" - Bashir Abu - Manneh, "Israel's Colonial Siege and the Palestinians" - William I. Robinson, "Transformative Possibilites in Latin America" - Margarita Lopez Maya, " Venezuela Today: A' Participative and Protagonistic' Democracy?" - Marta Harnecker, "Blows and Counterblows in Venezuela" - Joao Pedro Stedile, " The Class Struggles in Brazil: The Perspective of the MST" - Wes Enzinna, "All we Want is the Earth: Agrarian Reform in Bolivia" - Ana Esther Cecena, "On the Forms of Resistance in Latin America: It's Native Moment" - Richard Roman, Edur Valasco Arregui, "Mexico's Oaxaca Commune" - Emilia Castorina, "The Contradictions of Democratic Neoliberalism in Argentina: A New Politics from Below?" - G.M. Tamas, "Counter - Revolution against a Counter-Revolution: Eastern Europe Today" - Raghu Krishnan, Adrien Thomas, "Resistance to Neoliberalism in France" - Kim Moody, "Harvest of Empire: Immigrant Workers' Struggles in the USA"

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